Gift Voucher Terms and Conditions

valid from 1. 12. 2024

  1. By purchasing and using the voucher you agree to the terms and conditions of the voucher.
  2. Once a voucher has been purchased it cannot be returned or refunded.
  3. The voucher is valid for 1 year from the date of payment for the voucher, after which time the voucher expires and cannot be renewed.
  4. The voucher can be used to pay for tickets or time tickets in the online shop at, in the Leo Express mobile application or at Leo Express ticket offices in Prague, Olomouc, Ostrava and Bratislava. Enter the voucher code in the Discount codes field in the payment section. The value indicated on the voucher will be deducted from the purchase price. The voucher cannot be used to pay for refreshments or promotional items. The voucher cannot be used to pay for tickets on board the train from the board staff.
  5. The gift voucher can be used to purchase tickets for all train and bus services in all travel classes.
  6. The gift voucher cannot be exchanged for cash and cannot be split into smaller vouchers. The value of the gift voucher can be redeemed repeatedly until the value is exhausted. Multiple vouchers can be used within a single ticket purchase.
  7. If tickets paid for with the gift voucher are cancelled, the value of the tickets will be returned to the voucher and can be used again. This does not apply to the purchase of Promo tickets or special discount tickets, which are subject to their own rules.
  8. The voucher cannot be replaced if lost or misused by a third party.
  9. The buyer is not entitled to resell the voucher to third parties, unless otherwise agreed with Leo Express. If the buyer does so in spite of this prohibition, he/she will be fully liable for any damage suffered by third parties.
  10. The purchase using voucher is subject to the valid Leo Express Group's general terms and conditions.
  11. If the voucher is misused or used in a manner contrary to the interests of Leo Express, Leo Express reserves the right to invalidate the vouchers without refund or other financial or non-financial compensation.

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By logging in I agree with conditions of the loyalty program, processing of personal data and declare that I have reached the age of 16. Cancellation of tickets is only possible to leo credits.