

Maintenance Manager: I Love the Variability of my Work

The world is full of opportunities and if you follow your dreams, you can make them come true. Ondřej Černý disregarded his education to follow a career he had dreamed of. He has been taking care of our trains for ten years now.

Career Switch

Ondřej studied trade and could have become a salesman. Then he got a degree in public administration, so he could have pursued a career in the public sector. But it was his lasting passion for all things technical that prevailed. Twelve years ago, he responded to a vacancy announced by Leo Express and became a warehouse-man. His attitude to work caught the attention of the CTO, who offered him a job in the maintenance department. And Ondřej soon made it to a managerial position. He says this is the job he was meant to do. He is also happy in the maintenance team.

Ondřej appreciates the variability of his job. “In addition to the maintenance itself, that is checks and repairs of everything that can go wrong, I am also responsible for the stock of spare parts. I spend half of the day in my office doing computer work, and the other half is the maintenance itself,” says Ondřej. He has to communicate with colleagues throughout the company – from purchasers to accountants or marketing specialists. 

Our trains >

I like the challenge of combining the high quality of our work with speed and efficiency, because the trains cannot be out of operation for too long.

Ondřej Černý, maintenance manager

Projects and Challenges

Ondřej and his seven colleagues are responsible for the new seats in the Economy Class on the lines between Prague and Ostrava, and on to Poland or Slovakia. They had to remove, renovate, and reinstall 865 seats. The new seats have new foam filling in the seats and armrests, new leather covers, new plastic parts, and leather-covered headrests. This will bring your Economy-class experience closer to the higher classes of our trains.  

“I would love it if the company could expand in the future. Because we could grow with it. We could work on new types of cars and learn something new,” says Ondřej about his professional perspectives. And how about his private life? He likes to spend as much time as possible with his wife and children, and lead an active life. He does weight training and plays football.

TEXT: Petr Manuel Ulrych
PHOTO: archive of Ondřej Černý
The whole article is to be found in the spring issue of the Leo Express magazine

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