Leo Express buses

Comfort for your travel

Comfortable travel

Leo Express buses will take you to destinations where you couldn't get so comfortable by train.
We run a fleet of modern buses connect to our. Choose from two classes.

Timetable >

Comfortable travel

Business Class on buses

Do you need to do some work and want to enjoy selected snacks for free? Enjoy superior comfort even on the bus.

Extra services in Business Class

  • refreshment package included in the ticket price (the package includes another non-alcoholic beverage, a sweet and savory snack)

Extra on selected connections

  • extra headrest
  • sleeping set

Service on board of Leo Express buses

  • Comfortable adjustable seats
  • Enough leg room
  • Internet connection in all countries
  • Electric sockets
  • Bottled water included in the ticket price

Extra on selected connections

  • Choice of two classes
  • coffee or tea
  • USB sockets for each seat

Destinations of our buses

Partner carriers

We cooperate with partners who share the same values as we do

More information >

Partner carriers

Log into the loyalty program Smile Club


Don't have an account yet?

By logging in I agree with conditions of the loyalty program, processing of personal data and declare that I have reached the age of 16. Cancellation of tickets is only possible to leo credits.