Time Tickets
Unlimited travel on your route of choice
At present, it is possible to use the time ticket only on Leo Express connections on Danube and Orlicko regional lines.
For daily commuting
Time tickets are the best option for regular commuters and are ideal for those who travel several times a week for work, school or leisure.
How does it work?
It doesn't matter whether you travel one-way, two-way or only part of your prepaid route. You can use the time ticket as often and repeatedly as you want during its validity period.
variants for 7, 30 and 90 days
the ticket is issued for a specific route and period
allows the holder unlimited travel on trains along the purchased route, in any direction or section, for the entire validity period of the ticket
only for Smile Club members
Log into the loyalty program Smile Club
Don't have an account yet?
By logging in I agree with conditions of the loyalty program, processing of personal data and declare that I have reached the age of 16. Cancellation of tickets is only possible to leo credits.